Show Implementing Classes
To see all the classes which implement an interface, place your cursor on the interface name and push
B. This will show all the classes implementing the interface.
See All Methods in Current Class
F12 to see all the methods in current class.
Go to Line Number
G. A dialog will pop up. Enter your line number to go to that line. You can also give column number after : to jump to that column of the line number.
Move Lines
Place cursor in the line which you want to move. Then press
Up Arrow or
Down Arrow to move the line up or down.
To move multiple lines at once, select multiple lines before pressing the key combinations.
Delete Lines
Place cursor in the line which you want to delete. Then press
y to delete the line.
To delete multiple lines at once, select multiple lines before pressing the key combinations.
Duplicate Lines
Place cursor in the line which you want to duplicate. Then press
d to duplicate the line.
To duplicate multiple lines at once, select multiple lines before pressing the key combinations.