Friday, April 27, 2018
Convert a Decimal Number into Binary Representation
This is very easy to implement.
decimal to binary
Saturday, April 21, 2018
MIT Open Courseware - Introduction to Algorithms (2008)
This is just a bookmarks to MIT Open Courseware Course 6.006 (Introduction to Algorithms (2008)). Following are the links to the course pages:
- MIT Course Page
- Page to Links to Course Videos Only
- Page to Links to Recitation Videos
- Watch all videos in a pop-up in the same page
Introduction to Algorithms,
online course,
Open Courseware,
Prof. Erik Demaine,
Prof. Srinivas Devadas,
Victor Costan,
video lectures
Binary Search, Limit Search, Bound Search and Range Query
Binary Search
Binary Search is the most efficient algorithm for searching in sorted array.Implementation of Binary Search is pretty straightforward.
Lower Limit and Upper Limit
Binary search in a sorted list is straight forward. Binary search principle can also be applied to search for the lower limit and upper limit.Lower Limit means the minimum index item, which is greater than or equal to the given search item.
Similarly, Upper Limit means the maximum index item, which less than or equal to the given search item.
Lower Limit
Upper Limit
Lower Bound and Upper Bound
Lower Bound means the minimum index item, which is greater than given search item.Similarly, Upper Limit means the maximum index item, which less than given search item.
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Application of Limit Search
There can be several applications of these. One of the application could be using the lower and upper limit to find the number of items in the given range.
Binary Search,
bound query,
bound search,
Limit query,
limit search,
logarithmic search,
range query
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Template File for Sublime Text - Customization
It is always easy to have file templates when we need have them created repeatedly. Today I am going to show file templates in Sublime Text 2.
When you install the package, by default, some templates will be installed for some of the file types. If you are not satisfied with the default template, you have an option to customize it.
Here I am going to explain the template customization for the file type *.java
Here you can add as much arguments as you need, they will be asked in the order specified and can be used in the template file.
The parameter $name in the template file is read from the template settings file java.file-template.
You might have also observed other parameters as $date2, $author and $year. Where are they coming from? Well these are defined in the file ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/FileTemplates/FileTemplates.sublime-settings. You can again add as much attributes as you need and use in your template file.
SublimeFileTemplates - Installation and Usage
To create a file using a template, I have used Sublime File Templates Package for the Sublime Text. Installation and Usage is explained in the GitHub page of the package.When you install the package, by default, some templates will be installed for some of the file types. If you are not satisfied with the default template, you have an option to customize it.
Here I am going to explain the template customization for the file type *.java
Template Customization for Java
You can locate the templates files for file types at- ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/FileTemplates/Templates (Unix)
- C:/Users/
/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 2/Packages/FileTemplates/Templates (windows)
This file looks like
This is actual template file. When you create the file using this plugin, this file will look like this template file. In this template you can use the arguments defined in java.file-template. Following is an example template file
You might have also observed other parameters as $date2, $author and $year. Where are they coming from? Well these are defined in the file ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/FileTemplates/FileTemplates.sublime-settings. You can again add as much attributes as you need and use in your template file.
file templates,
sublime text,
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Computation of Nth Fibonacci Number
Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers which starts with two $1's$ in the beginning, then each number after that is the sum of two previous numbers in the sequence. So a fibonacci sequence is going to be:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 .......
Computation of Nth Fibonacci Number
The definition of of Nth Fibonacci Number fib(n) is recursive in nature. i.e.
fib(n) = fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
The problem with this solution is we are going to be computing same computation over and over again.Memoization Solution
Since we are computing same computation over and over again, we could store our intermediate result and use it instead of computing again.
Time complexity of this solution is ${\cal O}(n)$ and the Space Complexity is also ${\cal O}(n)$.Dynamic Programming - Bottom Up Solution
Similar to Memoization, we can also solve it using Dynamic Programming - Bottom Up Approach.
Time complexity of this solution is ${\cal O}(n)$ and the Space Complexity is also ${\cal O}(n)$.Modified Dynamic Programming
We can see in the dynamic programming that to compute next fibonacci number we use only Two of the previous results. So we can infer that we don't need to store all previous results. Its enough to store only two previous results. Following is the solution using this principle.
Time complexity of this solution is ${\cal O}(n)$ and the Space Complexity is ${\cal O}(1)$.
Bottom Up,
dynamic programming,
Fibonacii Series,
time complexity
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Kth Smallest Number in n x n Matrix
$\mathtt{REFERENCE}$ @ LeetCode
$\mathtt{RELATED\ PROBLEM\ -\ K\ Smallest\ Sum\ Pair}$
Find $kth$ smallest number in the matrix.
The space complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$ for the size of priority queue.
$\mathtt{RELATED\ PROBLEM\ -\ K\ Smallest\ Sum\ Pair}$
Task Description
Given an $n \times n$ integer Matrix sorted in non-decreasing order in row and column wise.Find $kth$ smallest number in the matrix.
Solution 1 : Brute Force Solution
The naive solution would be to traverse through all the elements, sort them and find the $kth$ smallest item. There are $n^2$ elements in the matrix. Sorting them will take ${\cal O}(n^2log(n^2))$ time.Solution 2: Efficient Solution
This Brute Force solution can be optimized by using Priority Queue. This solution is similar to the problem K Smallest Sum Pair.
* Computes the Kth smallest item in the given row and column wise sorted 2D Matrix
public int kthSmallest(int[][] matrix, int k) {
PriorityQueue<int[]> smallestTracker = new PriorityQueue<int[]>(new Comparator<int[]>(){
public int compare(int[] a, int[] b) {
int x = matrix[a[0]][a[1]];
int y = matrix[b[0]][b[1]];
return x - y;
for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
smallestTracker.add(new int[]{i, 0});
int count = 0;
int[] smallest = null;
while (count < k) {
smallest = smallestTracker.remove();
if (smallest[1] < matrix.length - 1) {
smallestTracker.add(new int[]{smallest[0], smallest[1] + 1});
return matrix[smallest[0]][smallest[1]];
Time Complexity
Overall Time complexity is ${\cal O}(k log(n))$. The value $k$ can be $n^2$.The space complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$ for the size of priority queue.
Monday, April 9, 2018
K Smallest Sum Pairs
$\mathtt{REFERENCE}$ @ LeetCode
$\mathtt{RELATED\ PROBLEM\ -\ Kth\ Smallest\ Numer\ in\ Sorted\ Matrix}$
Define a pair (u, v) consisting one element from the first array and one element from the second array.
Find k pairs with smallest sums.
Initially, for $i\ =\ 0$, all pairs with the second array is inserted into the priority queue. At this time, the first priority element is minimum element.
Then we keep on polling an element from the queue and insert into the result. For each poll, we will insert into the queue, $i + 1$ pairing with its
corresponding unpaired index so far in the second array. This is repeated untill the queue is not empty or untill we have all the $k$ pairs required.
$\mathtt{RELATED\ PROBLEM\ -\ Kth\ Smallest\ Numer\ in\ Sorted\ Matrix}$
Task Description
Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums1 sorted in non-decreasing order and an integer k.Define a pair (u, v) consisting one element from the first array and one element from the second array.
Find k pairs with smallest sums.
Solution 1 : Brute Force Solution
The naive solution would be to find all possible pairs and find the best k pairs from it. If the two array contain n and m items, then there are nm possible pairs. Retrieving $k$ best pairs will take ${\cal \theta}(klog(mn))$ time.Solution 2: Efficient Solution
This Brute Force solution can be optimized by using Priority Queue. The Priority Queue will hold sequence of number pairs (i, j) where $i$ is index in the first array and $j$ is that in the second array. Priority of the queue is determined by the sum of numbers at these indices.
PriorityQueue<int[]> queue = new PriorityQueue<int[]>(new Comparator<int[]>(){
public int compare(int[] a, int[] b) {
return nums1[a[0]] + nums2[a[1]] - nums1[b[0]] - nums2[b[1]];
for (int i = 0; i < nums2.length; i++) {
queue.offer(new int[]{0, i});
while(!queue.isEmpty() && res.size() < k) {
int[] item = queue.poll();
res.add(new int[]{nums1[item[0]], nums2[item[1]]});
if (item[0] == nums1.length - 1) {
} else {
queue.offer(new int[]{item[0] + 1, item[1]});
Full Code
public List<int[]> kSmallestPairs(int[] nums1, int[] nums2, int k) {
List<int[]> res = new ArrayList<int[]>();
PriorityQueue<int[]> queue = new PriorityQueue<int[]>(new Comparator<int[]>(){
public int compare(int[] a, int[] b) {
return nums1[a[0]] + nums2[a[1]] - nums1[b[0]] - nums2[b[1]];
if(nums1.length == 0 || nums2.length == 0) {
return res;
for (int i = 0; i < nums2.length; i++) {
queue.offer(new int[]{0, i});
while(!queue.isEmpty() && res.size() < k) {
int[] item = queue.poll();
res.add(new int[]{nums1[item[0]], nums2[item[1]]});
if (item[0] == nums1.length - 1) {
} else {
queue.offer(new int[]{item[0] + 1, item[1]});
return res;
Time Complexity
Initial insertion into the priority queue takes ${\cal O}(m)$ time. During the iteration, for each minimum element polled from the queue, we insert at maximum only one element, hence the size of the queue is maintained ${\cal O}(m)$ and each iteration take ${\cal O}(log(m))$ time. The iteration is repeated untill we have all the $k$ results or the queue is empty. $\therefore$ Overall Time complexity is ${\cal O}(k log(m)) \approx {\cal O}(k log(n))$. The space complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$ for the size of priority queue.
priority queue,
smallest sum
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Number Pairs Whose Sum is Multiple of a Number X
Output yes if its possible to group the chocolates in to pairs and No if its not possible.
For the size of array $n$, there are total of $nC2 \approx n^2$ possible combinations. So the complexity will be ${\cal O}(n^2)$.
Now,what will happen if $a + b$ is also a multiple of X?
This proves that (c + d) is also a multiple of X.
So in general, if
With this conclusion, we can optimise our Solution 1 by eliminating the Backtrack. We can keep on pairing up numbers. If all numbers have pairs, we can return True. If any number does not have a pair, we can return False.
Task Description
Kelly gives Ashley N chocolates each having a price pi, (where pi is the price of ith chocolate), and an integer X. She asks her to group the N chocolates in to pairs such that sum of prices of chocolates in each pair is a multiple of X.Output yes if its possible to group the chocolates in to pairs and No if its not possible.
Solution 1: Considering all possible $nC2$ pairs
The first solution is to try to form pairs and satisfies our constraint. If at any point, if the constraint is not satisfied, we will need to Backtrack and try out different pairs.For the size of array $n$, there are total of $nC2 \approx n^2$ possible combinations. So the complexity will be ${\cal O}(n^2)$.
Solution 2: Optimization of Solution 1
Consider four numbers $a,\ b,\ c,\ d$Let,
a + c is a multiple of X and, b + d is a multiple of XSo the numbers can be paired as $[a,\ c]$ and $[b,\ d]$
Now,what will happen if $a + b$ is also a multiple of X?
a + c = CONST1 * X
b + d = CONST2 * X
a + b = CONST3 * X
a + b + c + d = (CONST1 + CONST2) * X
CONST3 * X + (c + d) = (CONST1 + CONST2) * X
c + d = (CONST1 + CONST2 - CONST3) * X
So in general, if
- $a$ and $d$ pairs up,
- $a$ pairs up with a set of numbers $S1$ and
- $d$ pairs up with a set of numbers $S2$
With this conclusion, we can optimise our Solution 1 by eliminating the Backtrack. We can keep on pairing up numbers. If all numbers have pairs, we can return True. If any number does not have a pair, we can return False.
Time Complexity
Even after the optimization, at worst case, for each element we need to go through all elements. $\therefore$ Total Time complexity is ${\cal O}(n^2)$. The space complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$ for the array paired.Solution 3: Linear Time Solution
The problem can be solved in linear time by traversing the array only once.Principle
If sum of two numbers a and b is multiple of a number X,
Following are the linear time solutions.
(a % X) + (b % X) = X if a % x > 0 = 0 if a % X == 0So, in order for all numbers to pair up,
number of elements in the array with modulo X value C == number of elements in the array with module X value X - C
Solution Using Array
Solution Using Hash Map
Time Complexity
In this solution, we traverse through the input array only once. Important thing to note here is, the size of the array count is the value of input integer X. So if there is no constraint over the value of X, then the solution could be Pseudo-Polynomial. Otherwise , the overall time complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$. The Space complexity is ${\cal O}(X)$.
hash map,
linear time,
number pair,
programming problem,
space complexity,
time complexity
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Maximum Profit from given array of Stock Prices - Programming Problem
$\mathtt{REFERENCE}$ @ Interve Cake
Now you need to write a method that takes the array as an input and returns the best profit that could be made by buying 1 stock and selling 1 stock.
Only the stock bought at past can be sold in the future. So the time difference must be at least 1 for conducting the transaction.
For the first outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-1$ times
For the second outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-2$ times
For the third outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-3$ times and so on until 0.
So, the two loops run for $(n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ...... + 2 + 1 + 0 \approx n^2$ times. Operations inside the loops are constant time operations.
$\therefore$ Total Time complexity is ${\cal O}(n^2)$. The space complexity is ${\cal O}(1)$.
$\therefore$ The overall time complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$. The Space complexity remains ${\cal O}(1)$.
Problem Definition
You are given an array of Stock Prices. Index of the array represents the time corresponding to a price. Smaller index represents past time and larger index represents future time.Now you need to write a method that takes the array as an input and returns the best profit that could be made by buying 1 stock and selling 1 stock.
int[] stockPrices = new int[] {15, 5, 10, 25, 55, 1};
getMaxProfit(stockPrices); // returns 50 (buy at $5 and sell at $55)
Brute Force Solution
Brute Force solution would be to consider every valid pair and keep updating the maximum profit that can be made.
* Brute Force Approach to calculate the profit
* @param stockPrices input stock prices
* @return max profit
public static int getMaxProfit(int[] stockPrices) {
int maxProfit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < stockPrices.length; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < stockPrices.length; j++) {
int profit = stockPrices[j] - stockPrices[i];
if (profit > maxProfit) {
maxProfit = profit;
return maxProfit;
} // getMaxProfit
Time Complexity
The outer loop runs for all the prices i.e. $n$ times $n$ being the number of stock prices.For the first outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-1$ times
For the second outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-2$ times
For the third outer loop, the inner loop runs for $n-3$ times and so on until 0.
So, the two loops run for $(n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ...... + 2 + 1 + 0 \approx n^2$ times. Operations inside the loops are constant time operations.
$\therefore$ Total Time complexity is ${\cal O}(n^2)$. The space complexity is ${\cal O}(1)$.
Linear Time Solution
The problem can be solved in linear time by traversing the array only once. For each item traversed, we store the minimum value of the stock seen so far and update the maximum profit greedily.
* Linear Time solution to find the max profit
* @param stockPrices input stock prices
* @return max profit
public static int getMaxProfit(int[] stockPrices) {
int maxProfit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int minPrice = stockPrices[0];
for (int i = 1; i < stockPrices.length; i++) {
int profit = stockPrices[i] - minPrice;
if (maxProfit < profit) {
maxProfit = profit;
if (minPrice > stockPrices[i]) {
minPrice = stockPrices[i];
return maxProfit;
} // getMaxProfit
Time Complexity
In this solution, the stock prices are accessed only once. And for the stock price the processing is constant time.$\therefore$ The overall time complexity is ${\cal O}(n)$. The Space complexity remains ${\cal O}(1)$.
Brute Force,
interview cake,
linear time,
space complexity,
stock prices,
time complexity
Building a Smart IDE: Identifying comments - HackerRank Problem
Difficulty: $\mathtt{Very\ Very\ Easy}$
Find the problem definition @ HackerRank
Assuming all these methods are optimised to have the complexity ${\cal O})(n)$, $n$ being lenght of each line, overall complexity of the above solution is ${\cal O})(N)$, $N$ being total length of all lines.
Find the problem definition @ HackerRank
Simply travers thorugh each line and display the line when you know the line or part of it is comment
import java.util.*;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
boolean comment = false;
while(sc.hasNext()) {
String line = sc.nextLine();
if (line.trim().startsWith("/*")) comment = true;
if (comment || line.trim().startsWith("//")) {
} else if (line.contains("//")) {
int index = line.indexOf("//");
if (line.endsWith("*/")) {
comment = false;
Time Complexity
The while loop in the code runs for $n$ number of times $n$ being the number of lines in the input. Time complexity of each loop depends upon the time taken by the methods like startsWith(), trim(), contains(), indexOf(), endsWith() and substring() of the String class.Assuming all these methods are optimised to have the complexity ${\cal O})(n)$, $n$ being lenght of each line, overall complexity of the above solution is ${\cal O})(N)$, $N$ being total length of all lines.
Above solution doesn't considers special cases as:- Comments like /* Comment */ is nested inside a code.
- String like // is a part of String constant in a code
- String like /* */ is a part of String constant in a code
comment lines,
extract comment lines,
time complexity
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Electronics Shop - HackerRank Problem
Find the problem definition @ HackerRank
), I am going to sort the array with lower number of elements and iterate over the other one.
Let, $n =$ Number of Elements in the larger array
$k =$ Number of Elments in the smaller array
Brute-Force Solution
Using the Brute-Force method, this problem can be solved by considering every possible pairs. If the considered pair gives better result (i.e > max) and satisfies the constraints (i.e. <= s), then we select current pair as the solution. Result is returned after all the pairs have been considered.
* Brute Force Solution
* @param s
* @param keyboards
* @param drives
* @return
public int getMoneySpent(int s, int[] keyboards, int[] drives) {
int max = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < keyboards.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < drives.length; j++) {
int amount = keyboards[i] + drives[j];
if (amount > max && amount <= s ) {
if (max == s) return max;
max = amount;
return max;
Time Complexity
Time Complexity of this solution depends upon the number of pairs considered. Since there are $n\ keyboards$ and $m\ drives$, total of $n \times m$ pairs are considered. Processing time for each pair, as we can see in the code, is constant time operation ${\cal O}(1)$. $\therefore$ The time complexity of this solution is ${\cal O}(n \times m)$. The space complexity is ${\cal O}(1)$ since we haven't use any extra data structure to hold inputs.Better Solution
The problem could be optimized to solve in better time complexity. We can Sort one of the array and iterate through other array. While iterating through the other array, we apply the Binary Search on the sorted array to obtain the best pair. In order to keep the complexity low (Do the maths on your own
* Computes using Binary Search
* @param keyboards
* @param drives
* @param s
* @return
public int getMoneySpent(int[] keyboards, int[] drives, int s) {
int max = -1;
int[] larger = keyboards.length > drives.length ? keyboards : drives;
int[] smaller = keyboards.length > drives.length ? drives : keyboards;
Arrays.sort(smaller); // O(k logk)
for (int i = 0; i < larger.length; i++) { // O(n)
if (larger[i] < s) {
int pair = search(smaller, s - larger[i], 0, smaller.length); // O(logk)
if (pair == -1) continue;
if (max < smaller[pair] + larger[i]) {
max = smaller[pair] + larger[i];
return max;
} // getMoneySpent
* Searches the best pair using Binary Search
* @param in
* @param item
* @param lo
* @param hi
* @return
public int search(int[] in, int item, int lo, int hi) {
if (item < in[lo]) return -1;
while (hi - lo > 1) {
int midIdx = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (item == in[midIdx]) return midIdx;
else if (item > in[midIdx]) {
lo = midIdx;
} else {
hi = midIdx;
return lo;
} // search
Time Complexity
Time Complexity of the solution depends upon the sorting of smaller array, iteration of larger array and the binary search on the sorted array.Let, $n =$ Number of Elements in the larger array
$k =$ Number of Elments in the smaller array
- Time Complexity of Sorting = ${\cal O})(k\ logk)$
- Time Complexity of iteration = ${\cal O}(n)$
- Time Complexity of Binary Serach = ${\cal O}(logk)$
Binary Search,
Brute Force,
electronics shop,
space complexity,
time complexity
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